Saturday Supper

Volunteers in Kitchen

Every Saturday evening, The Holy Trinity Neighborhood Center welcomes between 90 and 120 guests for dinner. Volunteers arrive in the early afternoon to prepare and serve the guests nutritious and appetizing meals. The guests who attend this dinner are homeless or working poor families and individuals. The meal is served restaurant-style, with guests served coffee, water, and dinner while seated at their table.

In 2011, the Neighborhood Supper served over five thousand meals and is the only feeding program in the immediate neighborhood of East 88th Street.

The Saturday Supper is supported by a strong and dedicated group of volunteers.

Muslim Volunteers

We are still recruiting volunteers for the Neighborhood Supper, St. Christopher’s House, Church of the Holy Trinity, 316 East 88th Street, between First and Second Avenues, Manhattan, where we serve a weekly dinner to 100 or more of our homeless and nearly homeless neighbors.

We begin cooking and setup for the Neighborhood Supper around 3 PM; we serve dinner at 5:15 PM; and we are cleaned up and done by around 630/700 PM. Photos from a recent Neighborhood Supper are in the album below.

While volunteers are welcome every Saturday. If you can help with any or all of the Supper on a Saturday, please contact us via Facebook or email us at, many thanks!

“Volunteering at the Neighborhood Supper is my favorite church activity. I enjoy the camaraderie of fellow volunteers and even more the chance to make a difference in the lives of our guests. Our supper guests are so grateful and deserving. I try to offer a smile to each and every supper served. The supper is not only a place to eat, but a place to socialize which is lacking for our many elderly”
~ Chris Knight

“My daughter and I met some wonderful, generous people and had a very important experience when we volunteered at HTNC. Getting to know the organizers and other volunteers, cooking with new friends, sharing the labor and the love, and visiting with guests were unforgettable. The joy was reciprocal, and we’ll be back!”
~ Susan Hiner

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
~ Mahatma Gandhi